a dabihawks "divorce" zine

What is a zine? & other faq

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Find our schedule & contributor apps info here. We are a project inviting writers and artists (& potentially: multi-media) to create Dabihawks "Divorce"-inspired orignal work for us! Read our FAQ for more information.

Mods, mods, & more mods

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We have curated an experienced team of artists, writers, and designers passionate about Dabihawks! Click below to see our previous projects.

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frequently asked

What is a zine?

A "zine" is an anthology-type magazine made by a group of people who do not go through publishers or widespread marketing. Typically they are created in small, limited-run batches and are not official merchandise!

What is the theme of this project?

The idea behind this zine is to create works inspired by the infamous Dabihawks "divorce." Dabi/Touya Todoroki and Hawks/Keigo Takami are prominent characters in My Hero Academia, & their ship content is the central theme of this zine. The "divorce" is not a true divorce, but refers to the events in Chapter 265-267. We hope to feature both the canon "divorce" and divorce AU content in this zine!

Will this project feature NSFW content?

Depending on contributor interest, the project overall may feature NSFW (not safe-for-work, or explicit) content. This means that while contributors who are accepted will all contribute to the main zine, any contributor may opt in to creating NSFW content in addition to their main piece. As such, all contributors are required to be 18+ to participate. However, the main zine book, if printed, will likely remain SFW-only.

Will this zine be for charity, for profit, or free PDF release?

This zine will be for charity. All proceeds will be donated to Out & Equal, an international charity supporting LGBTQ+ in the workplace!

Will this zine be physical or digital?

Our aim is to support a physical project - thus, we have recruited a team with experience in finance and shipping. However, this will be dependent upon the success of our contributor apps period!

Which kind(s) of conributors will you be accepting into the zine? How many of each are you looking for?

We are looking to accept predominantly page artists and prose writers at this time. We will also open up applications for physical merch artists! In addition, we are looking into the possibility of multi-media contributions for this project. Mod Keats/Mari have worked with voice actors & chefs before, but the sky is the limit!Our tentative acceptance numbers are 20-25 artists and 4-6 writers.**Please note: Unfortunately, we will not be accepting applications for cosplay at this time!

How many samples will prospective contributors need to have ready? Will we need portfolios?

We will require the submission of 2-3 of your best samples on our application (Dabihawks pieces are a plus, but not required). You will also need to link your portfolio on your application! Please include a warning when prompted regarding any NSFW in your samples & portfolio, as well as potential triggers for the benefit of our mods as they review.

Are you soliciting mod applications?

We are no longer seeking mod applications!

Do you have contributor application guidelines?

I have another question. where should I direct my inquiry?

Please feel free to message our zine social accounts with any questions! (CuriousCat has been unreliable, so we have hesitated to use it).